Sikkim is a small and beautiful state located in the northeastern region of India . It is bordered by Nepal to the west, Bhutan to the east, and Tibet to the north. Sikkim is known for its scenic beauty, vibrant culture, and unique cuisine. In this blog post, we will be presenting information about the districts, area, population, and literacy rate of Sikkim in a table format. District Area (km²) Population (2011) Literacy Rate (%) East Sikkim 954 281293 81.42 West Sikkim 1167 136299 76.43 North Sikkim 4226 43354 66.95 South Sikkim 750 146850 70.19 As we can see from the table, Sikkim has four districts - East Sikkim, North Sikkim, South Sikkim, and West Sikkim. East Sikkim is the most populated district with a population of 281,293 people as per the 2011 Census. It is also the smallest district in terms of area, covering only 954 sq. km. On the other hand, North Sikkim is the largest district in terms of area, covering an area of 4,226 sq. km, but has the smallest population of only 4...